YouTuber of the Week: Philip Michael Lester (AmazingPhil)


Phil Lester, also known as AmazingPhil, is an underrated YouTuber that certainly deserves more attention. Although he has an incredible number of subscribers–more than three million–he is commonly overlooked and outshadowed by his flatmate and best friend, Dan Howell. This, obviously, is unjust.

Phil is currently 29 years old and lives in a London flat with his best friend and fellow YouTuber, Dan Howell. Phil is basically one of the founders of turning YouTube into a career. His YouTube account was created on January 7, 2006, and an endless amount of people have been trying to turn YouTube into their job ever since Phil paved the way with the creation of his channel.

He produces quality videos of all sorts. He does collaborations with other YouTubers, shares interesting stories about his life, reacts to certain things like his baby pictures, and participates in the typical Youtube fads going around at the time he posts his videos. The enthusiasm, cheeriness, and genuineness found in his videos are unmatched.

In addition to producing quality videos, he is is also profoundly creative. This can be seen by the fact that he has created various popular Youtube challenges himself, like the 7 Second Challenge and the Tumblr Tag.

He’s also broadened his horizons by branching out into a different type of media with Dan: the radio. Dan and Phil are featured on BBC Radio 1 in a segment called Internet Takeover. Their segment takes place the first Monday of every month, and they do fun and engaging activities like playing the 7 Second Challenge against each other, choosing their own songs to play based on their individual music tastes, and asnwering questions sent in by followers on Twitter. Their last broadcast for Internet Takeover, unfortunately, is April 25, 2016. However, they will still be part of the BBC Radio 1 staff, meaning that they might do a different kind of radio show in the future.

Phil is currently in Florida and has just attended a YouTube convention known as Playlist Live. He will be in America for the next month touring around the country for his book (yes, he’s a successful author too) called The Amazing Book is Not on Fire. The tour is called The Amazing Tour is Not on Fire, and it will be coming close to home in Clearwater, FL on April 27 at Ruth Eckerd Hall.

To concisely sum Phil up using a phrase that his followers use to describe him, he is literal sunshine, and his videos do not disappoint.


Main channel:

Twitter: @AmazingPhil

Instagram: @amazingphil