Our New Courtyard


The empty courtyard behind the art classroom has been sitting unattended for a long time. Filled with a blank space of emptiness. Until recently Mr.Titus the new art teacher brand new to the school, has an idea to fill that negative space sitting in the small area behind building 11.

Mr. Titus knew he always wanted to do something in the arts. It wasn’t until college that he wanted to do something in 3-D art though. He started out taking 2-D but it was a teacher he had that influenced him to more of a three dimensional idea of art.

What made him want to do this project was Dale Chihuly. Dale Chihuly is a well known sculpture artist, he works with blowing glass into his own unique style. He has had many exhibitions all over the country and even the world. He has a museum in St. Petersburg,FL.

Mr.Titus said, ‘’It’s like a reverse Chihuly.” The idea he has is his students bring in a plastic container than you draw on it with permanent marker after he drills a hole into it. Then he hangs it up on a tall bamboo stick using fishing line and it will be hung up bigger to smaller so it will look bigger than what it really is if looked at the right perspective.

He also mention that he wanted to do something in the courtyard, not just because it’s empty but also for the fact that he is new to the school.  It seems like gift from him to the school, a “hi, I’m happy to be new and a part of the Palm Harbor High community.