Appointee awaiting confirmation


Due to a fierce partisan divide within the United States Senate, the nomination of Judge Neil McGill Gorsuch as a Supreme Court Justice has proven to be jeopardized. Judge Gorsuch was formerly recommended by President Donald Trump on January 24th of this year.

Because of his primarily conservative ideologies and past occurrences involving resistance against candidates, opposition members of the senate have amassed enough votes to filibuster the proposal. Furthermore, colleagues in favor of the judge do not possess the sixty ballots required to terminate the resistance. Therefore, the senate may expect to “go nuclear,” with a simple majority referendum being instituted to confirm the applicant. However, employing this option may not be without consequence for the current party of power.

Although altering the initial requirements for a confirmation is permitted, it could cause for a significant portion of citizens to view the Supreme Court as another means of power for political parties. Thus, the integrity and the ethics of the court would prove to be questioned immensely. Additionally, with the vital midterm elections for both portions of congress approaching, discontent with Republican affiliates is not desirable for the Grand Old Party.
Hence, senate majority leaders and those personnel of the executive branch face a tough decision in the face of adversity. A decision must be made to either nuclearize the senate and force the confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch or continue battling within the realms of politics.