Learning about culture while having fun

-Taking the Lead One step at a time.

Latin dance club is the exciting new way to learn about culture and dancing. The club started back in 2010 with over sixty students. Most of these students were couples wanting to learn how to professionally dance. The parking lot was usually the only place where the group of students could meet.

“Even on the days when the club wasn’t meeting for the week the kids would go out into the parking lot with a radio and practice.” Mrs. Remon said.

The club has become smaller and smaller through the years with many ups and downs.

“Students usually take away a new cultural aspect [from the club] while also keeping themselves out of trouble.” Remon said.

After learning to dance accordingly students usually perform in the talent show. There are no requirements except the fee of $10.00.

“Students can join anytime because we have been looking for more students to participate in recent years.” Remon said.

The club meets only one day a week (because a shortage of student participants) on Mondays after school in portable 17.