Sing it to Win it

Chorus is a class where enthusiastic students get to express their emotions through song. Each year, the class count and the passion increases.


“Chorus is a class where you can learn how to use your voice while learning the different meanings of music,” John Jeffers, junior, said.


While being enrolled in chorus, students get to experience different moods of song, and get a hands on experience at competition along other classmates. “The competition is called the MPA’s and I don’t find them at all nerve racking.” Jeffers said.


The Music Performance Assessments, commonly known as the MPA’s, is a chorus competition where students get judged on their performance and get advice for how they can improve in the future. Also depending on the school, some choruses go to different states to perform. They take class trips to different cities for competition. The MPA’s set students up for their futures if they choose to pursue a musical career.


Students in chorus get to experience the different types of song, and get to learn what music is and get to connect with lyrics.


“I personally have learned [through chorus] different meanings in the music areas such as legato, which would mean soft and drawn out, and I’ve learned how to have more confidence in my voice,” Jeffers said.


Students that are interested in getting involved in chorus is simple. An interested participant could simply switch into the class and join chorus automatically. During class time, students learn the songs they are going to be performing, how to perfect them, and pick up strategies of singing. The songs performed in chorus are usually a mix between modern and classic songs, and it depends on the teacher’s preference.