Knock-Knock Jokes

Knock-Knock Jokes

Are they overrated? Which ones to try on friends?


Knock Knock! It’s the PHUHS Eye Online. Whether it’s a joke about pop-culture or a chicken crossing the road, we’ve got it all. Of course, some have run the course of time and are classic, on the other hand, some are just plain cheesy. Students were interviewed to rate Knock Knock Jokes on a Scale from 1-10 on an overall aspect (1 being the worst, 10 being the greatest). But first, a little bit of background as to how this type of joke came to be.  

Many important phrases and elements of literature originate from Shakespeare, ironically, so does the Knock Knock joke. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Macbeth (the Protagonist) kills Duncan (The King) in order to become heir to the throne. On the night of King Duncan’s murder, Porter checks in on Duncan as “He is a comic figure in this very dark play, and he imagines himself to be the porter at the gate of Hell. This is certainly a funny scene but also very serious because the evil perpetrated by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. “Knock, knock, knock! Who’s there, i’ th’ name of Belzebub?” The porter says and opens the doors to Macduff, who then goes on to discover the body of the murdered king.” (According to; Shakespeare & The Development Of The Knock Knock Joke ✊ ( ). He then continues to make 2 more comically, brutal jokes. 

Now for the interviews where students were interviewed to rate Knock Knock Jokes on a Scale from 1-10 on an overall aspect (1 being the worst, 10 being the greatest).

Megan Jones (2026): “Knock Knock” “Who’s There?” “Britney Spears” “Britney Spears Who?” “Knock Knock” “What?” “Wait I don’t get it” (off to the side leading Megan “it’s just who’s there again”) “Oh ok, who’s there?” “Britney Spears” “Oops, I did it again!” “Hahaha that one is funny, 8/10.”


Yasmina Aghar (2026): “Knock Knock” “Who’s there?” “Dishes” “Dishes Who?” “Dishes the Police open up” “omg… hmm a 7/10.” She was then shown another joke that would later be shown to Adelaide Joann indefinitely saying, “That’s a 9!”


Adelaide Joann (2024): “Knock Knock” “Who’s there?” “Mustache” “Mustache who?” “I Mustache you a question but I’ll shave it for later” She later replied “that’s horrible… I’ll give it a six because it’s so bad it’s funny but also because I’ve heard it before.” 


Varenya Modugla (2026) – “Knock Knock” “Who’s there?” “Broken Pencil” “Broken Pencil Who?” “Never mind, it’s pointless” as she replies, “Haha that’s a good one.”