Ready up for the school year

Commotion has been swarming about school starting back up. From the upcoming homecoming game to meeting and seeing new friends, back to school can be challenging for students, but they can find some fun in their studies and their classes.

That’s not all that school has to offer there are a lot more experiences to go on for this 2017-2018 school year. The homecoming game gets everyone fired up, and ready to start off the season right.

“School always has new experiences to meet new people, and to see my old friends.” said sophomore Savannah Nightingale.

Palm Harbor University High School has many different programs to offer. For starters, there is the base University program, then the Medical, Bio-Medical, IB, and Business programs.

In the Medical Program, you learn to diagnose diseases and you learn all about the human body. The IB Program is an intense program that challenges students to the max, and includes a block schedule. Then in Bio-Medical, investigating different crime scenes is a main feature of the program.

“The experiences you have in school is one like no other,” said junior Bella Mena.

The Business Program is an opportunity to learn basic business skills. Allowing you to earn certifications if you pass the Word, Excel, and PowerPoint test in the middle and end of the year.

These programs can help kids be successful in everyday life, and maybe even progress into more of a career.