Saving Time


Daylight Savings Time is the time change in which the clocks are set a hour forward/ backwards, and the reason for the time change is because of historical significance. Spring forward was created so in the summer, people could make more use of their time. These changes also had to do with early settlers and timing based on farming.

The U.S Senators agreed to let daylight savings time stay the same all year round.  Keeping the time the same would mean dark mornings and late sunsets, making the time always feel like summer, and it getting dark later. This seems unnecessary, as the time change is a significant symbol for the passage of a season. The way that during the summer, the night comes late, and how during the school year it gets dark at four, is convenient.

It’s comforting to always keep things the same way and it’s understandable as to why the Senator would consider a change, but why change something that is not hurting anybody? The symbolism for passage of time makes seasons more prominent and some people may take comfort in the obvious changes in seasons.

I think it is necessary to have the change of seasons because time seems to always be going so fast, and without directly knowing it’s a new season, everything seems to blend together as well. Living in Florida, all the seasons feel exactly the same. There really aren’t significant changes in weather, except for a few select days spreading from fall to winter.

Benefits for the night coming later is that people will be able to do more things during daylight, but having a earlier night would mean that people could view the stars without having to stay up terribly late. I am the kind of person that doesn’t like change, and I don’t see why changing the time would be beneficial for the people. Most activities like working and sports can be done in daylight or nighttime, and it’s confusing as to why the change is being largely  considered.