Compete with the Heat

The impact of Florida weather when considering dress code.

For the country, the heat is coming to an end in the next few months. But for Florida, the summer seems it will be dragging on. One of the ways that the students on this campus cope with the intensity of the heat is to break the dress code. This includes wearing shorts in place of jeans, and substituting longer sleeves with tank tops. The heat can be considered an excuse for those pushing the limit.

Much of the clothing associated with summer is not acceptable attire on the campus unless it meets certain, strict guidelines. Students and teachers have various opinions about dress code. There are teachers that both do and do not enforce dress code, and it is commonly administration who will crack down. To the students, their choices of attire can be blamed on the heat.

“Dress code can be hard to follow when it is cloudy and humid,” junior Isabella Didden said. “Shorts are a lot more comfortable than jeans, which feel like one of the only options to wear.”

The season of summer ends on Sept 22. Summer break ended on the first day of school- Aug 13. This creates a gap of time in which summer break isn’t happening, but the summer season is, and students like Didden agree that the allowed clothing can be too hot.

According to the code of conduct found on the PCS website, the running shorts and leggings commonly worn around campus are supposed to be unacceptable. Dress code is a controversial subject, and one of the most understandable reasons for this is the hot Florida climate.