Tips on How to Manage Difficult Classes

Meeting the challenge

Even students who have good grades have a tough time managing their classes. There is no actual routine on how to make it through high school but here are some tips that can help.

1. Set Goals

Planning ahead leads to progression. Each quarter or semester set an achievable goal. Setting a goal will give motivation.

Jasmina Hasikic said “ Each year my goal is to raise my GPA as high as I can.”

2. Refine Study Habits

Harder classes means more work. Having a study strategy is really important. Get a planner and write down homework. Set aside a specific time for each work day. Also, get a group of friends and form a study group. Find a strategy that is best.

3. Don’t Overload Yourself

Having seven classes can be tough, but it can be even harder if homework is given in all of those classes each night. Instead, of waiting until the due date to do homework try and get a little of each assignment done at a time.

Chandini Prabhu said “ I try to organize all the homework I have so that I can be aware of what and when something is due.”

4. Stop Working Between Classes

Working between classes is not always a great option because it is not guaranteed that the assignment can be finished. An alternative is to arrive to school early and go to the library and finish or finish at home the night before.

5.  Avoid Distractions

Distractions around you can heavily affect your participation in class. One tip is to sit next to someone you do not know. That will help you engage more into the lesson.