PHUHS Softball Conditioning

Conditioning is a requirement for many sports, especially at the high school and college levels. The Palm Harbor University softball conditioning is very hard according to returning teammates.

Softball conditioning for the 2017 season has already started. According to a returning teammate, sophomore Kimmy Singer, the conditioning started on Tuesday, September 6th after school.

It is not too late to join. They have only had two of the practices so far. The only reason someone should do conditioning is if they really want to try out for the team. If someone really wants to try out, then they would want them to go to the conditioning.

Conditioning is a process of training to become physically fit by a regimen of exercise, diet, and rest. For some people, conditioning can be hard. Those who are in shape and have had previous experience of more intense exercise may have an easier time.

Conditioning is necessary in order to be prepared for the upcoming softball season. Without preparation, the team will start the season trying to get in shape, rather than just working on skills and routine plays. The way of thinking needs to be that players need to put in work if they want to play when the season finally comes around. Players can’t just sit around in the off season and then expect to be as good as someone who has been working out and preparing all year.

The softball team does a variety of exercises. They start off with 1000 jump ropes as a warm up. That might seem like a lot, but once a new player makes the softball team, then they will get used to it and be glad that they did it. Other exercises include squats, burpees, push ups, lifting, and running. It really does help players be prepared.

Returning softball players want upcoming players to be prepared, so they offered some advice.

“You have to be committed and you have to love softball. We put a lot of work and time into practicing and conditioning. It’s a big commitment, but it’s super fun,” Singer said.

Players on the softball team also recognize the importance of hydration while training.

“Start drinking a lot of water and preparing yourself to be the best you can be,” Savanna Bennett, a sophomore pitcher, said.

These sophomores know what to expect since they went through this last year with the intent of making the team, which all of them did. Now everyone knows what to expect. If someone doesn’t do conditioning this year, they can do it next year.