Want to Play Pickleball?


Do you like tennis or Ping-pong? The game pickleball is just like these two. The court is similar as well as the rules and the way you play. But it’s also different in a couple ways.

People of almost all ages can play this game and enjoy it a lot. Teenagers, and  older can enjoy the blood-flow of pickleball, it is really fun.

“I think this game is really fun, you can get some good exercise from it and it’s very exciting depending on how you see the game or how you play it,” says Sandy Barnes, a friend who plays pickleball and who loves to introduce people into the game.

She took some of her neighbors to the community center she goes to and she tells them how to play the game. Then they get started and slowly get into the game.

There is a rule in the game called the “Double bounce rule.” It basically states that when one player serves the ball to the receiving side, they must play it on the bounce and the serving team must do the same. Then they can volley the ball, (hit it without letting it touch the ground) or still hit it on the bounce if they want to.

The game was named after a cocker spaniel dog named Pickles who was one of the co-inventors of pickleball. The dog would chase stray balls into the bushes and would hide them there, so they named the game after him.

This game basically combines the games like badminton, tennis, and table tennis or ping pong.

The game can make people of all ages really active and you can get some good exercise while playing this. Some community centers that have basketball courts, tennis courts, and etc, are most likely to have people playing pickleball there.

There is a part in the pickleball court right by the net called the “kitchen” or the “non-volley zone.” No-one really knows why it’s called the kitchen, but the players can’t step inside that square unless the ball bounces in that spot.

Others at the center will teach to play pickleball too! They love it when children come in asking how to play pickleball. Do you want to learn how to play? Just ask someone who at least plays tennis, badminton, or a game related to those and they may be able to give you some pointers.