Upcoming Theatre Auditions

Maya Ongchangco (’21) and Harrison Betz (’21) explain the audition process for this years fall production.


This month students are auditioning for a play called The Diary of Anne Frank which will be performed from Nov. 8-10. The play chronicles the life of Anne Frank, a girl who survived the Holocaust by hiding in an attic for a portion of her childhood.

Maya Ongchangco (‘21) and Harrison Betz (‘21) have both decided to try and be a part of the fall production. In order to audition, students are required to act out a dramatic monologue of their choosing after filling out an audition sheet posted in the auditorium.

Not all students initially realized their interest in acting as a career. After working at a theatre company, Betz discovered he had a passion for acting.

“Over the summer I volunteered at a theatre company and I got to see some of the behind the scene action, so I think it would be fun to be part of an actual production,” Betz said.

The process of choosing a monologue is incredibly time-consuming as potential actors need to expose themselves through their audition. Dedicated students spend countless hours and most of their free time studying and reciting their monologues once they’ve chosen one to perform.

“I’m practicing my monologue, Lucy’s Monologue from the play, Fine, every chance I get. I’ve been working really hard and I hope to earn at least an ensemble act,” Ongchangco said.

Most students practice their monologues by acting them out over and over again. Many also choose to rehearse their monologues in front of friends and ask for constructive criticism.

Their futures could depend on how well they do in these auditions. They hope to gain a greater understanding of how plays work as both Ongchangco and Betz wish for this audition to lead to a career in acting.

“I’d like to gain experience for future acting opportunities so I can get into acting professionally or as a hobby,” Ongchangco said.

Acting gives people a chance to step into someone else’s shoes, even if just for a moment. Many students are incredibly grateful for that opportunity and hope to be able to turn their passion into a career.