Some teachers have worked at PHU since the start


Some teachers have been here for two summers or for over two decades. There are not too many, but there are a few teachers who have been teaching from the beginning,1996.

Ms. Becky Bride has said to be one of the first teachers since day one. She teaches different levels of math: honors, IB and AP. She’s currently teaching IB students for math.

“I have taught since 1996 and might I say, many things have changed over the years,” Bride said.

In the beginning, everything was modified into something new to fit the generation today, from the structure of the building to the programs for the students. The increase of the students and numbers of classes throughout the years have changed significantly.

Bride spoke about how Portal was not meant to be seen by everyone. Parents and students were not able to get access to grades online. In fact, all the report cards had to be sent to the parents.

To put grades in portal, teachers before the 2000s had to fill in bubble sheets for each student, have it scanned, and then print the report cards. Doing this happened to be a long process for Ms. Bride and her co-workers.

Another teacher, Ms. Lisa Bitting, who teaches biology, has also been working since the beginning. She teaches IB students currently as well.

Although, it is her 23rd year teaching, she says she enjoys her job. Bitting has been teaching students and grading papers in the same classroom for over 20 years, utill this day.

“At the beginning of my teaching, we only were teaching freshman and sophmores. As well as only six classes,”Bitting said.

At one time, there were only portables and the nineteenth building had not yet been built. After two years of the school being built, the upperclassman were added.

The newly added period was joined with the six other periods. With only six classes, it made it difficult for the students to gain all their credit for graduation requirements. Adding a seventh class gave the opportunity to get extra credits and the ability to redo classes if failed.

Not only were these benefits given to the students, technology was completely new to the school. Thus, it lead to installed projectors and added carts full of computers.

Phones were definitely a new thing to people back then. Although, having phones had its pros and cons, it still helped both teachers and students.

Having the school modified as to what we see today gives students the chance to feel as if they’re in the setting of college. That doesn’t mean the school won’t change again but the teachers may remain.